In the recent years our specialists successfully worked on such projects as:


• «Kovdorskiy GOK», flotation equipment for iron ore concentration and sulfur removal, 3 mln t/year

• «Kovdorskiy GOK», technology design and supply of gravitation section, 1300 t/hour

• «Kovdorskiy GOK», engineering of new apatite flotation section, 500 t/hour

• «Apatite», reconstruction of flotation section ANOF-2 (foam feeding and concentrate cleaning) 4.2 mln t/year

• «Ammofos», engineering and assembling of horizontal belt filter of 110 square meters (phosphoric acid)

• «Mihaylovskiy GOK», plant for iron ore concentration, 4 mln t/year

• «Polyarniy Quartz», designing of quartz plant

• «Quartzwevrke East», design of concentration technology for glass-making sand factory with 2 modules of 30 t/hour each

• «Shokanskaya Plant», concentration of Ti-Zr sand (Kazakhstan) – technology design for gravitation concentrate separation

• «Ziryanovskuy GOK», and « Ridderskiy GOK» of « Kaztsink», flotation sections reconstruction

• «KMARuda» tailing concentration project

• «Kachkanarskiy GOK» tailing concentration project, technology design, feasibility study

• «Mihaylovskiy GOK» Research and equipment full-scale tests for extraction of oxidized ferrous minerals from tailings after wet magnetic separation

• «Polyus-Gold», «Matrosov Mine» ore concentration plant– technology design

• «Bashmed», «Haybulinskaya PP» EPC contract for 2 thickeners of 9 meter diameter and 4 -12 meters accompanied by the station for flocculant preparation

• «Gomel chemical plant»– engineering and assembling of 110 sq. m. belt filter with


• «Ammofos» – engineering and assembling of 100 sq. m. horizontal belt filter with accessories

• «Polymetall,» Merril-Crou section at «Kubakinskaya ZIF» – EPC contract

• «Polymetall», Amur hydrometallurgical plant - di sorption, acid cleaning reactivation and

electrolysis sections - EPC contract

• «Magsel» (OVOCA) – processing plant for Stahanovskoye deposit – EPC contract

• «Eurohim», «Volgokaliy» – design and supply of column flotation machines

• «Inguletskiy GOK» – feasibility study and design of thickening section and water treatment of tailings, 85 000 cubic meters / hourîò 2 and 2 thickeners of 115 meter each


• Processing Plant «Krasnoarmeyaskaya - Zapadnaya» for «Donetsk stal», 12 mln t/year

• «Raspadskaya», I phase for 11 mln t/year, II phase for additional 3 mln t/year, type «Ê»

• «Kureinskaya», project feasibility study and design for «YujKuzbassUgol»

• «Sibirginskaya» project feasibility study

• «Listvyanskaya» for «Sibantratsit» construction control, equipment supply

• Projects on tailing processing

And the others.

If you have interest in particular area please let us know via and we will provide you detailed reference regarding our expertise in the field of your interest.